Jeff Boccaccio discusses how evolving video technology has led to the creating of a new testing method for cutting-edge AV components.
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Jeff Boccaccio

Jeff Boccaccio's Recent Articles
How Quantum Computing Could Transform Streaming
Quantum computing can scale up data very massively via increasing the number of qubits, which in turn would greatly elevate video processing potential.
Why Input Dynamic Range Impacts Performance on Optical Fiber
We take a look at a recurring issue within optical fiber installations that’s been causing many units to appear dead-on-arrival.
Understanding Differences in Conversion Methods in AOCs
As more sophisticated AOCs enter the market, Jeff Boccaccio of DPL Labs breaks down what factors in to creating a genuinely good optical cable product.
Better Active Optical Cable Products are Finally Coming to Market
Concern surrounding the performance and validity of AOC device claims have prompted manufacturers to begin improving upon the many flaws of these products.
Can One Common Serial Interface Be in Our Future?
Once upon a time Apple nearly had it with FireWire, but now, with hefty advancements in USB-C, it seems a common serial interface may be in the cards once more.
AOC/AVR Replacement Resolves Tricky Power Supply Issue
This integrator was running in circles when the original AOC he was using caused an AVR failure to occur early on in his troubleshooting.
How to Troubleshoot HDMI Inputs Without Breaking the Bank
In some instances when making signal connections, trial and error to find the most sensitive HDMI input might be necessary.
Understanding the Importance & Flexibility of FPGA
There’s a new buzzworthy term in the industry and it goes by the abbreviation FPGA. So, what is this FPGA and why has it become trendy?