Everyone talks about making great first impressions on prospective clients, but last impressions are just as important.
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Pete Baker
Pete Baker's Recent Articles
Is Your Company Sitting on a One-Legged Stool?
Reinforce your integration company’s foundation by considering your product portfolio, how you can garner recurring revenue, and creating more touchpoints with clients.
Is Now Time to Add ‘Light Commercial’ Projects to Your Portfolio?
With housing starts and renovations dipping, and consumers spending more on entertainment and restaurants again, it’s a ripe time to explore light commercial/resimercial markets & prospects.
How Can We Elevate Professionalism in the Custom Integration Industry?
Poor experiences that deter prospective clients can be reduced with more certifications and education; suppliers vetting their dealers; and greater accountability.
How Integrators Can Hardwire Resilience into Their Business
Is your integration business healthy enough to withstand a fatal blow? Pete Baker looks at ways of cultivating resilience through operations.
3 Lessons to Integrators for Finding Business Opportunities
It doesn’t take a global crisis to experience a downturn, and when it comes, it pays (literally) to know how to overcome it.
Solving These 3 Common Client Situations Can Lead to Sustainable Revenue Growth
There are a lot of reasons why integrators can’t grow revenues, Pete Baker outlines some ways dealers can overcome three common hurdles.
Boosting Custom Electronics Sales with Superfans
Never take your custom electronics customers for granted, whether you’re interacting with prospective, or far along in the sales funnel.
3 Tips for Making a Career Change During the COVID-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic has led many professionals to seek out a new career, so here are a few tips AV industry members can use to find a new landing spot.