CE Pro 100 top custom installation firms maintain momentum in the face of adversity to grow 4% in 2022 to median revenue of $6.8 million.
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Jason Knott
Jason Knott's Recent Articles
DISH Network Sheds 552,000 Satellite-TV Subscribers
DISH reports Q1 revenues of $3.96 billion, down 8.5% after losing more than half-a-million TV subscribers. Net income falls by $210 million.
NAPCO Q3 2023 Financials Shatter Records Once More
Company reports colossal 231% increase in net income following strong sales and RSR performance.
Longtime PR Rep Bryan Stanton Passes Away
Veteran PR rep Bryan Stanton focused on high-performance audio in consumer electronics for 46 years at J.B. Stanton Communications.
When Do Most Burglaries Occur?
Vivint study reveals 50.3% of burglaries occur between 8 p.m. and 7 a.m. Larceny/theft crimes occur mostly during daylight hours.
ADT Reports 4% Revenue Gain in Q1
ADT reports quickest breakeven time on subsidized residential installations ever at just 2 years. Google gear drives 7% resi growth.
Exclusive CE Pro Research: Home Theater Market Levels Off Quickly
Integrators predict flat market in 2023 for both dedicated-room and multipurpose-room theaters, while price changes are contradictory.
Is Your Company Prepared for a Recession?
Study suggests 72% of small businesses are well equipped for recession, leveraging their financial assets and adopting efficiency tools.
Alarm.com Acquires AI Video Analytics Firm Vintra
Alarm.com has acquired substantially all assets of Vintra, a software provider of AI-powered video analytics for the commercial market.