Technicians should connect/disconnect one device at a time, trust your instincts, use manufacturer tech support and hone your speed so your labor becomes a profit center for your integrator/employer.
Author Profile
Jason Knott
Jason Knott's Recent Articles
What to Look for When Buying Lighting Fixtures
Integrators should establish a standard housing, trim, reflector and aperture for the downlights they spec and then deviate from that when appropriate.
Leveraging Unique Aspects of Lighting Fixtures Vital to New England Integrator’s Success
WOW Media says Environmental Lights’ modular design, remote power supplies and broad options enable market differentiation.
Understanding the Fundamentals of Any Strong Lighting Business
Understand the importance and evolution of lighting technology and learn how to forge great trade partnerships around the category.
CE Pros Talk: How Some of the Top Integrators Got Their Start in Lighting
Integrators offer advice on entering the lighting fixture business, and how to unlock its potential via adjusting sales commissions, targeting the right applications, and getting proper training.
How to Befriend Your Electrician and Succeed in the Lighting Channel
Integrators find creative ways to lessen friction with electrical contractors over lighting fixture specification.
MDU Market Offers Major Appeal for Integrators in 2023
CE Pro’s first-ever MDU Deep Dive reveals broad opportunities at the developer/property manager level as well as with upgrades for individual buyers/tenants.
Time for a Changing of the Guard: A Fond Farewell from Jason Knott
In his last article as CE Pro’s Editor-in-Chief, Jason Knott reflects on his history with the magazine and the bright future that lies ahead for custom integration.
Liteline, a Canadian Lighting Fixture Leader, Targets Integration Channel
Canada’s largest lighting fixture manufacturer Liteline offers broad range of affordable intelligent recessed downlights with solid margins.