The Everse 8 is an 8-inch, two-way speaker from commercial manufacturer Electro-Voice that can crank up and install in numerous applications.
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Fred Harding
Fred Harding's Recent Articles
Hands-On with Vanco’s CAPT4K1 and PA-ADS1 Devices: Testing 2 AV Problem Solvers
Vanco CAPT4K1 4K Video Capture Device with Audio Embedding/De-embedding & PulseAudio PA-ADS1 Audio Delay Device benefit various applications.
Russound VoicePlay Amplified Keypad Audio System Review
Russound VoicePlay 60-watt amplifier & 4-button keypad combo delivers solid solution to access popular streaming services, Bluetooth audio, Alexa functionality, retrofit A-BUS systems.
Industry Tech Sales Uses Smart Ordering, Shipping Processes to Stand Out in Midwest Distribution Market
Sensing a distribution opportunity in the midwest during the COVID-19 pandemic, two CE pros decided to start a new business together despite supply chain and cash flow concerns.
Hands-On: QSC AD-S6T Speakers Provide Integrators Mounting Flexibility Indoors and Outdoors
QSC’s AD-S6T speakers are perfect for outdoor systems or for a medium intensity indoor system that doesn’t require a subwoofer.
Shure SLXD Wireless System: CE Pro Review
The Shure SLXD wireless microphone system is an ideal solution for houses of worship, schools with large theater programs, community theaters, and more.
Russound Upgrades Firmware for Streaming Products
Russound whole-house audio systems and streaming devices will now have access to sleep timers, scheduling, room grouping features and more.
IC Realtime Dash and Dinger: An Alternative to a Wi-Fi Video Doorbell
While newly famous companies like Nest and Ring are currently dominating the video doorbell market, it might be time for integrators to swap to IC Realtime.
Using Lessons from Old Health Clubs to Feel Less Alone During the Coronavirus Outbreak
Older technologies like FM modulation could inspire a way for people to attend communal events like church while in the safety of their car.