Platin’s updated Monaco 5.1.2 home theater system adds Dolby Atmos to its WiSA-powered offering to create an affordable yet impressive home cinema experience.
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Andrew Nichols
Andrew Nichols's Recent Articles
PSB M4U 8 MKII Headphones Review: All-in-One Excellence
With superb imaging and solid active-noise cancellation abilities, PSB’s update to its M4U 8 headphones are a must-stock for AV showrooms and integrators alike.
New Home Sales Fall in February Due to Construction Costs, Mortage Rates
While 2021 saw housing starts rise 15% compared to the previous year, new data from the U.S. Census Bureau shows sales softened in February.
Pro-Ject Adds Two High-End, Compact CD Players to Product Lineup
Pro-Ject has announced two new CD player lines, the DS3 high-end line of CD players and the S3 ultra-compact line of CD players.
Polk Audio Expands Soundbar Lineup with Ultra-Compact MagniFi Mini AX
Polk Audio’s MagniFi Mini AX is Dolby Atmos and DTS:X compatible and comes with a dedicated wireless down-firing subwoofer that automatically connects with the soundbar.
URC to Package Shelly IoT Devices with Total Control
URC and Allterco Robotics will collaborate to package select Shelly IoT devices with URC’s Total Control smart home automation platform.
Top 5 Tech Trends for 2022: Virtual Reality Offers Exciting New Avenue
As VR technology matures, integrators are in a prime position to enter a burgeoning market waiting for a breakthrough of consumer interest beyond established sectors like gaming.
2022 Top New Technology (TNT) Awards Submission Deadline Extended
The deadline to submit entries into this year’s Top New Technology (TNT) Awards has been extended until March 1, 2022.
Top 10 CE Pro Stories From November 2021
November played host to many important stories, including updates to vaccination guidelines, impressive projects, and a few key mergers and acquisitions.