‘Boxout’ phase needs to be reclassified as ‘layout’ phase using specific endpoints to find precise location of low-voltage devices.
Author Profile
Mark Sipe
Mark Sipe is the founder, inventor and CTO of Xspot Products wire location system. Mark installed, engineered, and designed both commercial and residential systems for decades before bringing Xspot Products to market in 2007. Xspot is the universal “endpoint” for any technology, from a Josh Nano voice control to LED lighting fixtures and audio systems. Along with his partner and wife Susan, they have worked with thousands of dealers. Their vision is to raise the construction standards and reduce job costs based on their shared with every dealer they help. Mark is also the developer of STX Solution (Salez Toolz eXpanded) sales software; a client-facing app that creates a budget, basic design, and proposal in the first meeting. There are many more creations on the drawing board, as our work never stops!