Announced at CES 2016, the Dimmer 2 controls and calibrates lighting and wirelessly connects to Fibaro smart hubs and third-party devices.
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Rachel Cericola
Rachel Cericola's Recent Articles
Sony Announces 4K HDR-capable TVs at CES 2016
Sony’s new lineup of 4K Ultra HD televisions are HDR (High Dynamic Range) compatible and feature unique backlighting in an ultra-thin design.
The Force is with These Star Wars-Themed Home Theaters
“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” opens in theaters on Dec. 18. These homeowners brought the movie theme to their home theaters long before then.
Streaming Service VUDU Offers Dolby Atmos Options
VUDU to offer a selection of Warner Brothers movies mixed in Dolby Atmos and remastered for Dolby Vision. Vizio to offer free digital copy of “Mad Max: Fury Road” in 4K Ultra HD with Dolby Vision to those who purchase Reference Series TV.
Ring Video Doorbell Partners with Kwikset Kevo Smart Lock
Homeowners can see and speak to visitors as well as lock doors and turn on lights by using the Ring system and Kwikset Kevo Plus together.
Logitech Harmony Hub Extender Adds ZigBee, Z-Wave Support
The Logitech Harmony Hub Extender is compatible with more than 270,000 devices and is available at an MSRP of $99.99.
Logitech Integrates Voice Control into Harmony with Ubi and Ivee
Harmony users will be able to use voice control on A/V and home control systems with Ubi and Ivee.
Kwikset Locks Part of Logitech Harmony Living Home Lineup
Two most recent Kwikset SmartCode products are the SmartCode 914 Touchpad Electronic Deadbolt and SmartCode 916 Touchscreen Electronic Deadbolt.
KEF Debuts M500, M200 Hifi Headphones
KEF has introduced its M500 and M200 headphones, joining a growing number of manufacturers getting into this category.