Logitech’s latest conferencing products work with platforms such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and Google Meet.
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Robert Archer
Robert Archer's Recent Articles
StormAudio Enhances Processing with ADEC Technologies
In addition to the introduction of its ADEC Technologies, StormAudio is also adding Hyperstream IV ESS Sabre DACs to its hardware, and it is rolling out new software.
Daisy Set to Open Arizona Location in March 2025
The soon-to-open Arizona location will be the 15th Daisy Franchise location.
Modular Series of Amps from NAD Provide Dealers with Advanced Whole-House Audio Features
The latest product line from the Canadian company is designed to deliver a convenient way to manage legacy and streaming media.
Control4 Scales Up Luxury Offerings with Lux Designer Keypads
Not only is Control4 showcasing its Lux by Control4 product line, the Snap One brand is presenting educational training sessions at Lightapalooza 2025.
This ASCENDO Amp is Tailor-Made for Recreating Infrasonic Sound
The German audiophile company states that its new 1U amp was developed to power demanding infrasonic subwoofers.
What Legrand Will Be Showcasing at ISE 2025
In addition to showing products from Chief and Middle Atlantic, Legrand | AV will show solutions from Vaddio and C2G.
Clive Daniel Home Enters Home Automation Market Through Daisy Franchise Partnership
Daisy notes the companies’ relationship began through a pilot program between Daisy’s Coral Springs branch and Clive Daniel Home’s Boca Raton location.
Theory’s New Controller Grants Direct Control of a Theory Amp Zone Right from the Wall
Theory Professional states its new DLC-CTRL is compatible with its DLC-250.4d, DLC-1500.4d and DLC-250.8 loudspeaker controllers.