CE Pro Podcast #160: The ‘Video Guys’ Address 2024 Video Market Trends
On the latest CE Pro Podcast, Joel Silver of ISF, Jason Dustal of Murideo and AVPro Edge, and Robert Zohn of Value Electronics, explain how even simple calibration adjustments can create happier clients.
CE Pro Podcast #159: WiSA Discusses the State of Wireless Audio
Wireless Speaker and Audio Association President Tony Ostrom breaks down the latest WiSA E solutions, CES experience, R&D roadmap to 2025, and more.
CE Pro Podcast #158: Exploring Colorscaping: The Outdoor Lighting System Lets You Paint with Light
This week, WAC’s Patrick Laidlaw and his associate, Michael Sabolcik, sat down with CE Pro to dig into the details on how the system works, and what value it can bring for integrators.
CE Pro Podcast #157: CEDIA’s Daryl Friedman Pushes Association Ahead
Since becoming global president & CEO in the fall of 2021, Daryl Friedman has supported the channel through CEDIA advocacy efforts, workforce development, education, and other focuses.
CE Pro Podcast #156: Catching Up on HDMI Happenings
HDMI Licensing President Rob Tobias chats about AI’s impact on AV, improving immersive experiences, Blu-ray discs vs. streaming content, identifying counterfeit cables and more.
CE Pro Podcast #155: How New Russound Mini-AVRs Are Problem Solvers
Russound CEO Charlie Porritt gets the industry up to speed on the latest happenings and new solutions from the venerable New Hampshire-based audio company.