URC to Launch HomeSet at ISC 2016, Targeting Security Dealers with Home Automation
Popular provider of custom-oriented audio, video and smart home technology, URC will launch new system at ISC West 2016 ‘specifically for the home security channel.' Is Vera by MiOS the new partner?
Mar 23, 2016
PowerHouse Alliance Members Offer Slate of Security, Audio Trainings
PowerHouse Alliance members Volutone, ECD, Audio America and Mountain West will conduct several security and audio training sessions in February and March.
Feb 02, 2016
Study Reveals Consumers Hate Home Automation Apps
Argus Insights study shows that consumers are frustrated with the user experience of many entry-level home automation apps. ADT, Philips, Comcast and AT&T systems in particular are dissed, while Vivint and Honeywell gain better marks.
Jan 27, 2016
The Day the Nest Thermostats Died: Response from Home Automation-Centric Manufacturers (Updated)
Smart home glitches happen, but it's particularly uncomfortable when a thermostat fails in the middle of winter. Manufacturers specializing in HVAC control and home automation respond to Nest's recent challenge.