Bang & Olufsen’s new Beocrate four-channel amplifier, with HiFiBerry’s open-source DSP processing tools is designed for high-quality music playback.
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Jordan O'Brien
Jordan O'Brien's Recent Articles
The Cinema Designer and D-Tools Partner to Create Streamlined Cinema Design Solution
The two companies combine the System Integrator platform and home cinema design tool to create a new design process.
Not Waiting on Partners, DTS Builds Own Alexa-Enabled Play-Fi Smart Speaker
DTS claims its Phorus PS10 is first Alexa-enabled smart speaker to support high-resolution audio (24-bit/192kHz); works with other wireless Play-Fi devices for whole-house music.
LG OLED TVs Are First with Dolby TrueHD Lossless Audio
Firmware upgrade gives LG OLED displays uncompressed audio via Dolby TrueHD.
CasaTunes Adds Voice Control for Multiroom Audio via Amazon Alexa
CasaTunes has announced support for Amazon Echo, Echo Dot and other Alexa devices for its whole-house audio system as well as its DIY musicBox 6 servers.
World’s Largest 4K TV Spans 262 Inches and Costs $549,000
The C Seed 262 breaks the world record for a 4K TV diagonal length of 262 inches and adds six integrated high-end speakers for a 7.1. or 9.1 cinema surround environment to boot.
New Nest Cam IQ Offers 4K, HDR, Facial Recognition, Audio Analytics
Nest Cam IQ 4k video camera with HDR support, adds facial recognition and audio analytics to determine who is in the area and what is happening based on background sounds.
Yamaha WXAD-10 or Google Chromecast Audio: Which Works Better?
Yamaha’s WXAD-10 offers wireless music playback with Bluetooth and Airplay, but how does it measure up against Google’s Chromecast Audio?
What is QLED? Exploring Samsung’s Quantum Dot Tech
QLED joins a long list of acronyms in the display industry, but don’t let its name fool you. It’s nothing like its other LED-powered contemporaries.