Samsung Electronics has announced 2022 sustainability initiatives that will accelerate the development of eco-friendly home appliances. With these measures, Samsung is acting to address environmental issues through innovative products and services that can be used in everyday life.
“At CES 2022, we outlined how Samsung will contribute toward tackling some of the world’s most pressing environmental and sustainability issues,” says Hyesoon Yang, executive vice president and head of customer experience of the digital appliances business at Samsung Electronics.
“Collaborations to combat microplastic pollution; helping consumers reduce their energy consumption; cutting back on waste by using recycled plastic; and adapting eco-conscious packaging, these are some of the activities we are working on to develop various tangible solutions for environmental problems and a sustainable future.”
In a newly announced collaboration, Samsung is coming together with American clothing company Patagonia. As unveiled at CES 2022, this collaboration will promote environmental sustainability by addressing the issue of microplastics and its impact on the ocean environment. Patagonia CPO Vincent Stanley shared his thoughts during Samsung’s keynote speech on the significance of this collaboration and the direction it will take, calling it an example of how companies can “help turn the tide of climate change and restore nature to health.”
In addition, to its new Patagonia partnership, the Samsung Bespoke Water Purifier was recently certified by NSF International in the U.S. for its ability to filter out particles that measure as little as 0.5 to 1 micrometer, which include microplastics. This makes Samsung one of the first manufacturers of water purifiers to receive this certification the company boasts.
Some of Samsung’s other eco-friendly initiatives includes a partnership with Q CELLS to establish a new Zero Energy Home Integration feature for SmartThings Energy. This feature provides production and storage data from solar panels and energy storage systems to help users establish energy self-sufficiency.
SmartThings Energy monitors power usage of consumers’ connected devices and recommends energy saving methods based on their usage patterns. Partnering with Wattbuy in the U.S. and Uswitch in the U.K., SmartThings Energy allows users to switch over to the most cost-efficient energy provider in their area.
Other eco-friendly policies from the global electronics and appliances company include the amount of recycled plastic that will use in its home appliances. To this end, it will expand the use of recycled plastic from the interior components of its appliances to the exterior elements as well.
Samsung is set to achieve recycled plastic utilization in its home appliances to 30 percent in 2024. This is an increase from 25,000 tons of recycled plastic in 2021 to 158,000 tons in 2024.
Concluding its eco-friendly initiatives, Samsung is also expanding its use of eco-packaging to encompass a larger lineup of products, including home appliances to enable consumers to repurpose the boxes their products came in.
More news from Samsung: Samsung Teams with Patagonia to Minimize Microplastics