CE Pros have had quite a lot on their plate this past year. And so, as a collective of journalists and investigators at heart, CE Pro (the magazine this time) thought it would be a good idea to look back and see the top 10 CE/CI industry stories that caught the attention of CE Pro audiences in 2022.
Of course, there were plenty seeking information related to supply chain and labor shortages, but there were also plenty of stories that captured the imagination of what might lie in store for the industry outside of these present issues.
For this retrospective a few elements were taken into consideration: how much onsite engagement the articles received, what potential industry impact they reveal, and how relevant they are now. The pageviews come first, then the rest factor ii; that way, if you happened to miss any of these articles when they first came out, we made sure they’re still worth going back to now.
So, here’s a list of the CE/CI industry’s top stories of the year:
CE Pro’s Top 10 Stories of 2022
#1 Breaking Down the Ongoing Global Supply Chain Problem
Consider it one part disruption, another plagued by success. Manufacturers were already strapped for resources following the pandemic, and then demands for home technology shot through the roof. It’s the same story for just about everyone in the CE/CI industry, and so, nearly everyone has been asking: How? Why? And: What do I do now?

2024 Lighting Controls and Fixtures Report
Lightapalooza took place in late February, and the growth of the event has mirrored the rapid ascension lighting fixtures and controls.Download your copy now!
This article helps put it all into perspective, which I can only assume is why people flocked to it this year. It opens some of the greater factors at play in the CE/CI supply chains and even offers recommendations for integrators navigating these ongoing issues. If you haven’t had a chance, it is absolutely still worth a read given supply chain woes really haven’t stopped.
#2 Is the Labor Shortage Finally Easing?
The pandemic forced many older generations into early retirement, and like that, a glaring hole was spotlighted with regards to talent acquisition in many businesses. The integration community was no exception, and researchers have already begun to look into some of the flaws as to how trades are approached in the education system today.
I’m hesitant to give too much away in this summary of the article—the whole thing is only a little over 400 words and shouldn’t take more than two minutes to breeze through. I’ll give you this, though: the world of technical education is shifting because of the pandemic. Exactly how it’s starting to shift is for you to find out.
#3 Crestron Addresses ‘Perfect Storm’ of Supply Chain Problems
A self-described “open kimono” discussion conducted at the height of supply chain tensions; Crestron offered a fully transparent look into its operations in a one-hour webcast for all. For what it did, it was an incredibly conscientious and insightful move on the part of Crestron, as it showed how the company was trying to handle the shortages and what they were willing to do for their dealers.
Read it to see how one of the big names in the CE industry is handling these issues. Read it to see what you might be able to expect heading into 2023. Or read it because you’re a Crestron dealer. There’s a lot of reasons to give this one a look-through today.
#4 NEEO Founder Launches AVA Streaming Audio and Remote-Control Company
The launch of the AVA brand caught considerable attention in 2022, for good reason. It’s a collaboration between the founder of NEEO, Raphael Oberholzer, and former Control4 executive Ted Haeger, two big names in control and automation. And what did they make? A set of audio and control devices.
Since then, the company made its debut at CEDIA Expo and partnered with Josh.AI to expand control capabilities on its remote, and if this is all new news to you, go check out the launch announcement. It drew considerable attention at the time of its release, and since then, the company has done a good job at proving itself worthy of that attention.
#5 Hands-On: Compact Pro-Ject CD Box S3 Provides Vibrant CD Playback
In a world dominated by digital, it’s refreshing to hold onto something physical, and I feel like the popularity of this review reflects that. After all, CDs have experienced quite the renaissance over the past decade, according to writer and Executive Editor for CE Pro, Arlen Schweiger.
The AV channel has always had an affinity for vintage (are we allowed to call CDs vintage at this point?), but I think the fact that this medium rose in sales for the first time in 17 years back in 2021 is something to watch. In the meantime, if you’ve got a client who has an affinity for CDs, or you’re looking for a last-minute Christmas gift for yourself, check out the review.
#6 First $800,000 Samsung The Wall Residential microLED Installed
Who knew The Wall would become a residential hit? Not even Samsung, apparently. Originally intended for big, open and bright spaces, this massive statement piece—which presents itself more like an emphatic exclamation—has featured in some killer projects since its release. Just to name two, there’s the home theater project of music industry legend Clive Davis, and this: the first ever install.
Just One Touch/Video & Audio Center managed to upsell the simple $20,000 TV install into an $800,000 The Wall project, which should go to show the ‘wow’-factor this product brought to the CE market.
#7 Masimo Enters into Agreement to Acquire Sound United
Home health and home technology have existed in the same room for a while now but haven’t quite had the chance to intermingle much (at least for professionals). Then came Masimo’s acquisition of Sound United, snatching up several popular audio brands for the medi-tech company. Suddenly, everyone’s head snapped to attention (at least according to readership metrics).
Until extremely recently, the jury was out on what exactly that acquisition entailed, and even now, it’s still hard to picture what’s in store. One thing’s for sure, Masimo is earnest about integrating medi-tech and resi-tech through its acquisition, which is why the original release is still worth reading through to at least have an idea of what may be in store.
#8 Smart Ceiling Fans: The Forgotten Lighting Fixtures
While integrators may be familiar with lighting controls, the prospect of sourcing and working with actual fixtures is certainly a recent development. In that sphere, “three cans and a fan” comes as a phrase of derision, mocking the classic—and woefully limited—layout of an overhead ceiling fan. But, as Editor-in-Chief Jason Knott outlines in this article, ceiling fixtures have moved well beyond that.
It’s a ‘Don’t Sleep on X’ article that turns into a beefy deep dive midway through, peeling back the misconceptions while offering a heavy amount of insight into the category (courtesy of Olibra). If you ever wanted to see how a ceiling fan could—and maybe should—fit into your lighting business, peep the article when you have some free time—which I know is in short supply these days.
#9 Tube Shortage Impacts Audiophiles and Guitar Players
First we heard about the chips, then the carbon dioxide shortage (yes, really), and now, as Editor Bob Archer detailed earlier this year, vacuum tubes! Remember how I said the AV industry had a penchant for vintage? Well, this news didn’t impact current-gen technology, but consider this akin to the chip shortage for vintage audiophiles and guitar lovers.
For any integrator whose work touches audio, the article is an absolute must if you haven’t read it already. But even if you don’t do much work in AV, it’s a fascinating read that offers a bit of insight into the unique quirks of a very popular category within the industry.
#10 Why Does the Smart Chip Shortage Persist? An Explanation
The chip shortage has perhaps been one of the most pressing issues facing the CE/CI industry. And it’s not expected to resolve itself any time soon. News of US manufacturing facilities opening may bode well for averting future disruptions, but for now, it’s simply something everyone in the industry must endure. However, Crestron once again has provided some insight into what that might look like.
Like many of the other articles written on the shortages this year, this one does a solid job diving into the nuances of the chip industry. It also acts as a little forecast piece while providing some actionable tips for integrators in the meantime. I’ll leave the link to the article here for those interested.
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