Amazon MusicApple AirPlayaudiophilesClasseDeezerDenonDigital AudioHDMIHEOSHigh-Resolution AudioMarantzMultiroom AudioPandoraRoon ReadyTIDALWhole-House AudioWireless Audio
Delta Pre MK II Preamp from Classé Features HEOS Streaming
Classé states that its Delta Pre MK II Preamplifier carries a retail price of $12,000.
Mar 13, 2024
4K8KAmazon AlexaApple AirPlayAudysseyAuro 3DAV ReceiverAVRBluetoothDiracDolby AtmosDTS:XGoogle AssistantHDMIHDRHEOSHome TheaterIMAX EnhancedImmersive AudioMarantzMasimo ConsumerMultiroom AudioSmart HomeSpotify ConnectSurround SoundWhole-House Audio
Marantz’s CINEMA 30 AVR Comes Powered by SHARC Dual DSPs
The $4,500 Marantz CINEMA 30 AVR provides a host of options headlined by Dolby Atmos, IMAX Enhanced, DTS:X Pro, and Auro 3D immersive audio processing.
Feb 08, 2024
amplifiersAudio CalibrationAV ReceiversDenonDiracHome TheaterMarantzMasimo Consumerroom equalization
Dirac Live Bass Control is Coming to Denon, Marantz Receivers
Dirac boasts that its Dirac Bass Control technologies enable integrators to locate subwoofers anywhere within a home space without sacrificing system performance.
Dec 14, 2023
Product Briefs
AndroidDenonHEOSiOSMarantzMasimo ConsumerMultiroom AudioStreaming MediaWhole-House AudioWireless Audio
Masimo Consumer Updates HEOS App
Masimo explains that it believes that music should be at the heart of a home, enhancing peoples’ daily lives. The company goes on to say that its commitment to creating a seamless experience drives it to continuously evolve its whole-house audi
Dec 14, 2023
AV ReceiversBowers & WilkinsDefinitive TechnologyDenonHeadphonesHEOSHome TheaterLoudspeakersMarantzMasimo ConsumerSmart HomeWhole-House AudioWireless Audio
Mark Quiroz Named Chief Commercial Officer of Masimo Consumer
Mark Quiroz, CCO of Masimo Consumer, brings more than 20 years of experience to his newly named position at the popular audio group of brands.
Nov 09, 2023
2023 Home of the Year AwardsAtlantic Control TechnologiesAVPro EdgeBarcoBinaryBowers & WilkinsCinemaTechCrestronDoorBirdHome of the Year AwardsJL AudioLGLutronLuxuryMarantzRetrofitSamsungSonanceSonosWattBox
Despite Late Arrival, ACT Nimbly Crafts Home Automation System in Luxury Retrofit
With the project 80% complete by the time they were brought on, Atlantic Control Technologies pulled together an impressive system for a returning client.