Lutron: How Automated Shades Can Set the Right Ambiance
Whether projects require wired or wire-free solutions, Lutron’s versatile portfolio can help dealers create the right aesthetics, customization, practical benefits and more that motorized shades deliver.
Oct 27, 2023
Lutron Excellence Awards & Hall of Fame Inductee Honor 10 Leading Integrators
Announced during a special event at CEDIA Expo 2023, the Lutron Excellence Awards represented nine projects; Spire Integrated Systems earned Hall of Fame recognition.
Sep 15, 2023
DesignKetraLighting ControlLighting Designlighting fixturesLutronLutron PalladiomMotorized Shades
Lutron’s Los Angeles Design Studio Styles Itself as a Chic Art Gallery
The new space unveiled by Lutron provides a hub for integrator partners including architects, designers and prospective clients to help envision and develop lighting/shade systems.
May 26, 2023
Circadian LightingCommunity DevelopmentsCrestronCrestron HomeDelosKetraLutronLutron PalladiomWater FiltrationWELL
Velvaere Wellness Community Leans on Smart Technology for Better Health Outcomes
Crestron, Lutron, Delos to provide circadian lighting, air purification and water filtration technologies for holistic wellness development in Park City, Utah.
May 02, 2023
Pocket Shades Provide Seasonal Comfort to Carolinas Home
When surface mounting wouldn’t suffice, Advanced Integrated Controls went the extra step by constructing hidden pockets for two dozen shades.