Companies are asked to submit their financial data or have it verified by their accountant for the CE Pro 100. The verification is optional. Companies were required to sign a statement (for faxed or mailed entries) that says, “the information provided is accurate and truthful.” Similar to previous years, CE Pro has selected gross revenue in multisystem residential installations as the determining factor for the ranking.
Keep your eyes peeled for the June issue of CE Pro that will include a brand analysis of vendors used by the CE Pro 100. This information will also be available on
All entrants in the CE Pro 100 are eligible to attend the CE Summit/Total Tech Summit as a hosted guest. This year it will be held Nov. 4-6 in Fort Worth, Texas.
The CE Pro list is aggregated in several ways:
- A qualification form appeared in the January, February and March 2019 issues of CE Pro.
- An online form was posted on for three months, inviting entries.
- A blast email was sent to the installing companies that subscribe to CE Pro.
- Special emails and phone calls were made to a handful of firms that appeared in previous CE Pro 100 listings.
The list is ranked by the volume of billed, not booked, business from custom installation systems that incorporate at least three of the following subsystems:
- Audio (sources, speakers, processors or multiroom distribution components)
- HVAC control/energy management systems
- Lighting controls
- Security systems (alarms, integrated fire, access control or video surveillance)
- Structured wiring
- Telecommunications
- Video (sources, monitors, projectors, screens, multiroom distribution components, gaming)
- Whole-house automation/integration
- Networking (PC/broadband routers, modems, WAPs, etc.)
- Window covering controls
- Energy storage systems
- Water leak detection
- Indoor air quality
- Other (cellphone signal boosters, voice control, central vacuum, surge protection, irrigation control, voice control, satellite, spa controls, acoustical panels, seating, furniture, etc.)
The data also includes recurring revenue from multi-subsystem installations.
Given that RMR for subsidized smart home installation is a new business model being adopted by many companies, CE Pro began including RMR revenue in the custom revenue totals a few years ago.
As always there are many large companies that chose not to participate in this year’s listing. Many higher-end custom companies do not want to be compared with high-volume companies on any list.
Is your company missing from the list? If so, email CE Pro at [email protected], or please email any other comments about the CE Pro 100.
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