EnGenius, a popular networking manufacturer, has recently introduced its latest MESHdot Wi-Fi Kit to help diversify its consumer line thanks to the product's turnkey setup capabilities.
EnGenius Technologies' latest consumer product solution features the EMR3500 mesh wireless router and the MESHdot EDM11 AC1300 mesh node device.
“We are on a quest to break the stigma that mesh network equipment is either unaffordable for home use, bad looking or hard to set up,” says MC Leo, general manager, EnGenius Technologies.
“By offering the MESHdot kit to the world, we are responding to a market demand for plug-and-play, affordable, eye-pleasing products able to support stable mesh network that can cover an entire house. And this is just the beginning, in 2019 we will continue to introduce EnGenius products that help smart homes operate smoothly.”
Apps Make MESHdot Kit Setup Easy
Featuring companion Apple iOS and Android apps, the MESHdot Kit is designed for fast setup and broad home coverage.
Once installed, the AC1300 EMR3500 mesh router's 360-degree antenna and plug-and-play mesh node device are ready to cover a home in wireless connectivity.
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Thanks to its EnMesh wireless link technology, EnGenius says its kit is designed to support a range of activities including traditional computing tasks, printing, and several of today's streaming A/V formats.
Additional options include the ability to create stable guest Wi-Fi networks and the ability to monitor real-time data consumption by everyone on the network.
Along with the ability to monitor the network, users can also create and enforce specific rules such as limiting Internet access and parental settings that prevent users from visiting social media sites, video content, and search engines.
Via the EnFile app on iOS and Android integrators can create a private cloud network for their clients to play music and videos with their smart devices. The cloud option also supports the ability of users to backup photos and transfer them to a gateway/router-attached USB hard drive.
In addition, EnGenius notes that integrators won't have to worry about basic services calls related to firmware updates because the system employs an automatic update function.
The kit will be available for $99 in the first quarter of 2019.
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