ADT Patent Application: Deciphering Those Darn LED Lights on a Security System
Not from The Onion: ADT files patent application for 'Determining what the indicators represent on a security device.'
Aug 30, 2018
Cheeky Vivint Smart Home Video: How Automation Eliminates ‘Crappy Jobs’
Just like the elimination of the (hypothetical) human toilet-seat warmer, Vivint smart-home systems can replace the homeowner's "series of crappy jobs you do for free."
Jan 24, 2018
Slow News Day
Illegal Drugs Delivered by Drones: Don’t Do That
A California couple was arrested for allegedly using a drone to deliver illicit goods.
Dec 29, 2017
20 Smart Home Technologies Way Ahead of Their Time
Home Automation and home entertainment products that coulda shoulda woulda had a longer life span, if only .... Remember Kenwood Sovereign Entre? Frox? Premise Systems? WebTV? Philips Streamium?
Nov 30, 2017
Slow News Day
Paul Manafort’s $1.3 Million Home Automation System
Paul Manafort's alleged money laundering has been very good to at least one Florida home-technology integrator.