Apple AirPlay 2Apple HomeKitAutonomicMultiroom AudioNicePerformance Plus MarketingPhoenix Marketing GroupSmart HomeSnap OneWhole-House Audio
The M Series by Autonomic Offer Flex Storage Options for Massive Music Libraries
The M Series of products provide options for internal NVMe SSD upgrades, and features such as 32-bit DACs and advanced DSP engines.
Jan 10, 2025
Home ControlHome TheaterLighting ControlMotorized ShadingOrigin Acousticsoutdoor AVPhoenix Marketing GroupRoom AcousticsSmart Home
OA Home Initiative Seeks to Develop a Design-Centric Ecosystem for Home Technology
Together Origin Acoustics and Phoenix Marketing Group plan to roll out a packaged smart home platform called OA Home.
Nov 07, 2024
Product Briefs
commercial AVHome Theatermanufacturer representativePhoenix Marketing Groupprojection screensSevertson Screens
Severtson Screens adds Phoenix Marketing Group as Rep
Severtson Screens, a global manufacturer of projection screens for the home theater and commercial AV, has announced it has appointed Lincolnton, N.C.-based Phoenix Marketing Group to represent the company’s home theater, commercial, pro AV lines i
Jul 09, 2024
People & Places
AWA RepsDigital Sales Group MetroHome TheaterLoudspeakersMSE AudioPhase TechnologyPhoenix Marketing GroupWhole-House Audio
Digital Sales Group Metro wins Phase Technology Rep of the Year
PhaseTech, founded in 1955, and one of the few vertically integrated American speaker manufacturers, has recognized three manufacturers rep firms at the recent CEDIA Expo in Denver. Digital Sales Group Metro, who clinched the title of “Rep of t
Sep 20, 2023
Product Briefs
dealer supportFurrionHome Theatermanufacturer representativeoutdoor AVoutdoor TVsPhoenix Marketing Group
Furrion Appoints Phoenix Marketing Group
Furrion, a subsidiary of Lippert Components, Inc., has announced a partnership with Phoenix Marketing Group, a luxury technology representative for manufacturers serving custom installers and integrators. Phoenix Marketing Group will be the offici