Breaking the Code: Navigating Power Protection Options
Application-based power management and surge suppression solutions can be difficult to decipher. What is real and what is hype?
Apr 04, 2019
Injured U.S. Army Sergeant Caleb Brewer Honored With Specially Adapted Smart Home
The Gary Sinise Foundation worked with local integration firm JL Automation to create the perfect smart home for disabled war veteran Caleb Brewer and his family.
Mar 28, 2019
Lutron Melds with Z-Wave in Pinball Wizard’s Playful Smart Home
Buchan Consulting integrated an old hardwired Lutron HomeWorks system with new Z-Wave lighting and controllers to create one seamless Elan home-automation system for the guy who designed the iconic 'Attack from Mars' pinball machine.
Jun 28, 2018
A Nor’easter Superhero: Smart Home Pros Pack on the Power Protection
The home-technology pros at Creative Systems save the day for storm-ravaged clients, thanks to layers of protection from back-up generators, power regulators, surge protection and remote monitoring systems.
Mar 13, 2018
‘Foal Alert’ Integrates with Elan Home Automation, Warns when Birthing is Neigh
A horse-birthing sensor from Foalert integrates with an Elan home automation system to send text messages, flash the lights, and play a "neighing" loop through 18 in-home speakers when a foal is on the way.
Feb 28, 2018
Panamax BlueBOLT-CV2 Provides Local IP Control, Recurring Revenue Opportunity
Shown at CEDIA 2017, Core Brands' power protection and management company Panamax adds local IP control to many of its products via the BlueBOLT-CV2 interface card.