Spatial Opens Customizable Soundscape Library for Office Audio Design (and Beyond)
A follow-up to the turnkey Space Kit, Spatial’s new audio library makes it even easier for professionals to design immersive, dynamic soundscapes at scale.
Jun 07, 2023
Opinion: Why Doesn’t Technology Feature More in Biophilic Design?
While biophilia has become a staple in many modern design principles, technology still remains underrepresented on projects.
Apr 17, 2023
BiophiliaCircadian LightingCrestronHealth and WellnessHome AutomationHome FitnessMobile AppsSleep TechnologySmart HomeWellbeing
How the Success of Wellbeing Apps Can Benefit Smart Home Control Systems
Michael Short of Crestron discusses how the models of successful wellbeing apps can help improve smart home system design.
Feb 01, 2023
BiophiliaCEDIA Expo 2022CrestronDelosHuman-Centric LightingIWBILiving in Place InstituteRePureWellnessWellscapes
Spotlight on Wellness at CEDIA Expo 2022
At CEDIA Expo 2022, four educational sessions dove into how integrators could incorporate wellness into their business portfolio.
Nov 30, 2022
How Integrators Can Emphasize Importance of Wellness Tech to Designers and Builders
Integrators looking to persuade more designers and builders to install wellness tech should start discussions by emphasizing the nature of the tech and showcase its benefits in ways that are easy to understand.