This 2,500-square-foot bathhouse features Control4 and other Snap One products for comprehensive control, automation., Control4 Integrations Will Remain in Light of Snap One Acquisition by Resideo
Despite an ongoing patent infringement lawsuit, the integration between and Control4 will continue.
Aspire AVS Programs Expansive Smart Home with Intuitive Voice Controls
A special focus was placed on social programming for the control schema, which utilized Control4 and Josh Nano devices scattered throughout the home.
Without a Second Thought: Bar-Bills’ New Control System Leaves Nothing to Chance
Tired of having to run back and fourth between three locations to put out AV fires, the owner of Bar-Bills Tavern called upon Park Place Installations to simplify the venues’ entertainment.
Savoir’s SEVENTY-FIVE Bed Comes with Two KEF Speakers Embedded into Its Headboard
The Savoir SEVENTY-FIVE bed supports better sleep habits through the inclusion of a KEF audio system that includes the audio company’s Ci3160REFM-THX speakers.
Flanked by Sand Dunes, This Hamptons Home Hides an AV Paradise in Plain Sight
With picturesque views of the Atlantic coast, this home in southern New York sought out Audio Breakthroughs for an impressive home system with understated visuals.
A Sundrenched Smart Home Provides the Perfect Coastal Retreat in California
From understated shades, to an impressively smart gable window, Audio Impact keeps the home’s coastal influences the star of the show.
Crestron Updates Home OS 4 With Lighting Support, Audio-over-IP, myCrestron Portal Features
Crestron has added more support for lighting, support for new audio-over-IP devices and myCrestron portal updates in Crestron Home OS 4.
K-array Has Big Plans for Its Demo Room at InfoComm
Looking to provide a more realistic experience for its larger scale installations, the company is constructing a dedicated sound room with 1-hour demos for attendees.
OSD Audio FS12 Sub an Evolution of Performance: CE Pro Review
Designed to meet RP22 recommended practice guidelines, the OSD Audio FS12 is rated to meet those parameters by reaching down as low as 18Hz.