Why is training so important?
“Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit.” (Aristotle; 384 – 322 BC)
The essence of success in business is training, since its most positive benefit is better employees as well as a further development of own skills and techniques. Fostered by an unprecedented growing complexity and dynamic in the world, as well as an incomparable technological developments, it has never been more important to stay updated in order not to victim of the economical “survival of the fittest”- Staying on top requires to be updated about current developments and always think ahead about the future customer’s needs.
Many training opportunities – Which one is the right one?
Especially in the world of technologies, the future belongs to open technologies. First-hand experiences by most of the world’s population have been made with Google’s Android®, which is currently dominating the worldwide market of smartphones. Same applies to the world of residential and commercial building control. For more than 25 years, the open KNX technology is dominating the worldwide market for automation for all application, such as lighting, HVAC, home appliances, etc. Being available as an open source, approved as US Standard (ANSI/ASHREA Standard 135) and accessible for all kinds of manufacturers, the market is currently supplied with more than 7.000 products by more than 400 manufacturers, which have been certified by KNX Association. Giving the possibility to develop tailor-made solutions for the worldwide market, the first and most sustainable choice should be the open technology.
How to get started with KNX Training?
Being the KNX Association’s mission to spread KNX all over the world, various KNX training opportunities have been developed, which make this open technology more accessible to the worldwide community. Based on the longstanding experience of KNX in the worldwide field of residential and commercial building control as well as the unique certification scheme for KNX Training Centers and trainees, high quality training in more than 100 countries is guaranteed.
In order to dive in, extend knowledge or becoming a high-professional with the technology, literature, webinars and online training has been made available by KNX Association:
A. Online Webinars
Free of charge webinars, organised by KNX Association, are an extremely efficient way to acquire first knowledge on KNX via short online live presentations. Already attended by thousands of participants worldwide, KNX webinars cover a wide range of different topics related to residential and commercial building control. ‘KNX Basics’ is a perfect session for those new to KNX, helping them getting their first information on the system and the Engineering Tool Software (ETS), the commissioning tool for KNX.
B. KNX Brochures
Another great resource for KNX newcomers are KNX brochures which are free to download from the KNX Download section:
C. KNX Literature
Used by certified KNX Training Centres and provided to developers, installers and users all around the globe, literature about KNX gives a very deep insight to the various aspects of KNX. Due to the worldwide usage of KNX, numerous books in various languages are available, explaining the essence of KNX residential and commercial automation, written by independent authors as well as by KNX Association.
Another detailed and useful resource is also the standardised KNX training documentation, used by certified KNX Training Centres. It deals with a range of topics for those studying to take a KNX Certified Course, including:
D. The ETS eCampus
The ETS eCampus is a web-based learning platform, which is accessible by KNX newcomers free of charge to learn about the KNX technology, as well as the Engineering Tool Software (ETS®), the manufacturer-independent design and commissioning tool. Designed to be taken as a two hour course, complete with simulated exercises and videos, the ETS eCampus provides a great introduction to the basics of KNX and can be taken in step-by-step sections, which are each completed with a test. The ETS eCampus is accessible via the online-portal http://my.knx.org.
E. KNX Online Training
KNX online courses provided by KNX certified Training Centers cover theoretical and depending on the KNX training centre, a practical component. In the theoretical sessions learners will deal with topics such as “Telegram”, “Bus Devices”, “Installation”, “Topology” etc. In the practical sessions, students will learn how to program and commission an installation by means of ETS which will involve hands-on experience with real KNX products. In this way, students have access to the course and its practical material at any time and any location they choose. For more information on KNX Online Training, feel free to send a request to KNX Association directly.
F. KNX Certified Courses: On-site Training (min duration 15 hours)
A number of KNX Training Centers offer an on-site 15 hours practical course. This type of course is intended for those students who already have a sufficient amount of acquired KNX knowledge and experience, by either having studied the KNX books or by having participated in a KNX Online Training. The student needs to pass the theoretical and practical exam with at least 60 % of the marks. If passed, the person may opt to be listed as a new KNX partner.
G. KNX Certified Courses: On-site Training (min. duration 30 hours)
The majority of the certified KNX Training Centres offer on-site training for both, the theoretical and practical component of the course. The close interaction with the certified KNX Tutor has its advantages and will, ultimately, contribute to a deeper personal development of the student. Students can also profit from interaction with their fellow-students. The minimum duration of the course is 30 hours, of which at least 50 % shall be dedicated to practical work.
Since the student is making the commitment to attend typically 5 days of training, the requirement to pass the theoretical and practical examination is set at 50 % of the marks. If passed, the person may opt to be listed as a new KNX partner. All participants receive a voucher valid for an ETS Lite license, and a voucher when upgrading this ETS Lite to an ETS Professional license (with a higher reduction than those attending ETS eCampus).
Are there any benefits for the participants?
In order to ease the beginning with KNX in the professional and private life, KNX Association provides massive discounts on tools, which allow a flawless start with KNX.
In a nutshell:
Training is essential to a company’s survival, open technologies are most sustainable, also in the field of residential and commercial building control. In order to open this world to the masses, KNX Association has put a deep focus on training, so that everyone can benefit from the advantages, which are provided by the worldwide open technology. Besides individual support, KNX Association is offering a broad range of training and studying opportunities. More information about free trainings and the whole wide world of KNX Training can be found here.
For more information, please visit www.knx.us and www.knx.org.
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