Tagliani Smart Home: Alex Selects Epson Projector, Sl Slate Screen, AudioQuest Cables
IndyCar driver Alex Tagliani has made his first round of product selections for his new smart home, including the Epson LS10000 4K projector, Screen Innovations Slate 1.2 screen, and several types of AudioQuest cables.
Dec 20, 2015
Darth Vader Comes to Life in Star Wars ‘Secret’ Room
A simultated retina scan from a Dr. Doom mask is the first step inside a Star Wars-themed room complete with an audio, light and laser show.
Dec 17, 2015
Z-Wave’s S2 Framework Provides Advanced IoT Security for the Smart Home
Z-Wave’s new S2 framework from Sigma Designs takes security to new levels by securing communication not just locally for home-based devices but also in the gateway which is accessed from the cloud.
Dec 16, 2015
Surveillance Cameras Bring Outdoor Wildlife Snapshots Inside
Innerspace Electronics installed 29 IC Realtime security cameras to display outdoor wildlife images on the TVs inside this 14,000-square-foot home.
Dec 15, 2015
Julie Jacobson’s CEDIA 2015 Post Mortem: Trends, Opportunities & Standouts
CE Pro founding editor Julie Jacobson recaps CEDIA Expo 2015, highlighting technology trends and a few "winners."
Dec 10, 2015
Providing Satellite TV Service Enables Ultimate ‘One-Stop Shop’ Solution
Understanding that a good custom installation business requires more than just offering quality products, Shane Blanton, owner of Satellite & Electronics Innovations, recognizes the value of customer service, and has turned to companies like Dish Net