The new year is just around the corner, and to say things are busy here at CE Pro is a bit of an understatement. As many of our editors are hard at work on their yearly wrap-ups, all of us have our noses on the grindstone putting together the 2024 State of the Industry Report. Offering a comprehensive look into the state of the custom integration channel at the end of 2023 heading into 2024, the CE Pro State of the Industry Report relies on more than simple speculation, however: it relies on the information provided to us through the men and women working the field via our annual survey.
Given the uncertainty facing all industries this year, that insight that you can provide is more valuable than ever.
If you haven’t already participated in this year’s survey, there’s still time, and we would love to hear from you to learn how your business did, what you predict for 2024, as well as a few other things. It will only take a few minutes of your time, and it will help us here at CE Pro better understand your needs and interests so we can better shape our coverage for the industry.
Plus you also get a chance to win a $25 Amazon Gift Card as a nice little bonus.
Our annual survey will cover a number of topics including important growth opportunities and challenges. Other areas covered in the survey include:
- Number of residential and commercial installs completed
- Revenue expectations for the upcoming year
- Most important product and service revenue generators
- Market sector growth predictions
But you must act fast, as we will be closing the survey on December 18 2023.
We hope you can spare a few minutes to take the 2024 State of the Industry survey and provide us with a better understanding of your current business situation and expectations for next year. Thank you in advance for your responses!

2024 Lighting Controls and Fixtures Report
Lightapalooza took place in late February, and the growth of the event has mirrored the rapid ascension lighting fixtures and controls.Download your copy now!
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