Yamaha MusicCast Amplifier is Alexa Enabled, Streams Spotify

The new Yamaha XDA-QS5400RK MusicCast Amplifier is a streaming device developed specifically for whole-house audio installations.

Aug 23, 2018

Custom Speakers and Support Differentiate James Loudspeaker and its Dealers

The Montana integration firm SAV Digital Environments is able to meet a range of customer demands through the custom speakers and support provided by James Loudspeaker.

Aug 07, 2018

The State of Whole-House Audio in the Smart-Home Channel

Wireless connectivity, high-resolution audio and voice-control integration technologies are fueling a new era of whole-house audio.

Aug 06, 2018

Episode’s Terrain Outdoor Speakers Offer Affordable Option

The SnapAV Episode Terrain landscape loudspeaker system includes four 4-inch satellite speakers and an 8-inch buried, in-ground subwoofer at $1,500 MSRP.

Jun 19, 2018

Revamped Autonomic Product Line Aims to Reduce Prices, Increase Reliability

After spending over a year of R&D, SnapAV is reintroducing the Autonomic line of products.

May 15, 2018

Zektor Updates ProAudio DSP With More Customization Options

The newly redesigned Pro Audio DSP Audio Matrix Series can be used by integrators to distribute audio in both residential and commercial environments.

May 07, 2018