Home TheaterImmersive AudioIn-Room SpeakersMultimedia RoomsOn-Wall SpeakersPSB SpeakersSmart HomeStereoSurround Sound
Imagine Series Speakers from PSB Receives Updates
The latest generation of PSB Imagine Series loudspeakers can be seen at the upcoming Toronto Audio Fest audiophile show.
Oct 18, 2023
Lenbrook Acquires High-Resolution Audio Platform MQA
The Ontario-based Lenbrook has added encoding specialist MQA and its myriad assets to its audio portfolio that includes NAD Electronics, PSB Speakers, Blusound and BluOS software.
Sep 19, 2023
4KAcurusAragonAWOL VisionBarcoBluesoundBluOSBridgeeCEDIA Expo 2023Definitive TechnologyDolby AtmosDolby VisionEpsonGrimani SystemsHDRHigh-Resolution AudioHome TheaterIndy Audio LabsKaleidescapeL-AcousticsMadVR LabsMeyer SoundMicroLEDMini-LEDMSE AudioNADOSD AudioPro Audio TechnologyprojectorsPSB SpeakersRow One SeatingSamsungScreen InnovationsSevertson ScreensSeymour-Screen ExcellenceSmart HomeSonosStormAudioTheory AudioWhole-House AudioWhole-House VideoWireless AV
Bob Archer’s CEDIA Expo 2023 Recap: Tradeshow Represents AV Maturation
Audio solutions from top brands and hot video display technologies have ushered a new era in which home entertainment rivals the performance of commercial cinemas and post-production facilities.
Sep 14, 2023
PSB M4U 9 Headphones Complement Critical Listening
The $499 PSB M4U 9 headphones feature Audiodo Personal Sound and PSB's proprietary RoomFeel technologies.
Jul 28, 2023
PSB Synchrony T800 Loudspeaker
The 50-year-old audio manufacturer PSB Speakers is bolstering its Synchrony line of products with the addition of its new T800 loudspeaker. Building upon the design of the T600, the new T800 tower speaker incorporates a 5-way transitional driver arra
Aug 17, 2022
PSB M4U 8 Headphones Deliver Reference Sound at a Solid Price: CE Pro Review
The PSB M4U 8 active noise-canceling headphones are a fully featured personal listening device that is competitively priced.