No More Excuses: How Cantara Offers 24/7/365 Service Without the Headache
Southern California-based Cantara provides round-the-clock service without the stressful toll on employees. Here's a closer look at how they do it.
Dec 06, 2016
5 BEST Business Software Services of 2016
Check out the 2016 BEST Award winners in the business operations category: D-Tools, One Firefly, iPoint, OneVision Resources and SnapAV.
Oct 27, 2016
Slideshare: Julie Jacobson’s Ultimate Preview of CEDIA 2016
CE Pro founding editor Julie Jacobson highlights new products, trends and happenings at CEDIA 2016: home automation, 4K projectors, lighting controls, home networking, security, wireless audio, voice control and more.
Sep 16, 2016
16 Powerful Phrases to Use When Responding to Customer Service Emails
Proper tone matters. Follow these 5 key ingredients and 16 exact phrases to craft more effective emails with clients who request service/support.
Sep 01, 2016
CEDIA Rookie: Digital Butler Software Melds IP Device Discovery, Remote Monitoring, Business Mgmt
Debuting at CEDIA 2016, Digital Butler from Holistic Labs discovers IP devices on the network for remote troubleshooting and support, but also incorporates the data into a complete business suite for home-technology integrators.
Aug 16, 2016
How to Take Your First Step Toward a Recurring Revenue Model
How to start offering 'worry-free' services like extended warranties, service calls, system upgrades and tune-ups ... for a non-optional annual fee.