Control4’s New Neeo Remote in Depth: Execs Talk Big Picture
EXCLUSIVE: Neeo brings new design mentality and business prospects to Control4/SnapAV, say execs Charlie Kindel, Kordon Vaughn
Nov 05, 2019
Control4 Launches New Neeo Remote Running OS 3 Home Automation Platform
Control4's new Neeo Remote marries Swiss design with Smart Home OS 3 for a touchscreen/ hard-button remote control with no programming required.
Nov 05, 2019
Why Control4 Bought Neeo; EOL Clarity on DIY Remote Control
ISE 2019: Control4 clings to home-automation pro channel, acquiring Neeo for $11 million, and removing slick remote-control from DIY channel. Upgrade path promised.
Feb 05, 2019
Control4 Acquires NEEO Remote Control
Control4 has announced the purchase of NEEO, a Swiss maker of high-end remote controls with sleek industrial design. NEEO will discontinue direct-to-consumer sales
Feb 04, 2019
Neeo Founder Raphael Oberholzer Responds to Mixed ‘Reviews’ of Remote Control
Neeo's Oberholzer takes issue with CE Pro's coverage of software glitches reported by Kickstarter backers who waited 2.5 years for the much-ballyhooed remote control and home-automation system.
Nov 29, 2017
Integrator Kris Hogg Reviews Neeo Remote: It’s Great if you Understand Limitations
Longtime CEDIA integrator Kris Hogg dives into Neeo remote and home-control system, saying it's a fine product with lots of promise if you temper expectations. Bugs with Sonos, Philips Hue, Fire TV sure to be addressed.