Settles Patent-Infringement Lawsuit with IpDatatel

Patent-infringement lawsuits dismissed before Court ruled on validity of two security and home-automation patents.

Jul 18, 2019

Analysis: ADT Pulse vs. Command and Control; 3G Sunset Doom as ‘Opportunity’

ADT Pulse replaced by 'dream' security and home-automation system ADT Command and Control, powered by, but ADT faces upgrade challenge for some 3.7 million customers due to 3G, CDMA sunset.

Mar 21, 2019

ADT Sues Ring, Former Zonoff CEO for Theft of Home-Automation Tech; Ring CEO Calls Bull

ADT claims former Zonoff CEO Mike Harris misappropriated home-automation assets, transferring them to smart-doorbell maker Ring when the IoT technology actually belonged to ADT. Ring CEO Jamie Siminoff says claims are "ridiculous."

May 02, 2017

Goodbye, Zonoff: IoT Provider Sunk by, Icontrol, Honeywell, ADT

Zonoff, one of the most promising IoT platform providers, closes shop after Honeywell reportedly reneges on acquisition. Security and home-automation giants ADT, Icontrol and figured into the demise.

Mar 28, 2017

Article iControl Revenues Up 25% for 2016 announces positive financial results for Q4 and the full year 2016. The ObjectVideo price tag is revealed.

Mar 22, 2017