Apple AirPlayBluetoothDSP ProcessingGoogle CastHDMIMultiroom AudioRussoundWhole-House AudioWi-Fi
Russound Announces ‘All-in-One’ SMZ8 Controller Amplifier with Built-In Streamer
The new multiroom audio solution is rated to produce 50-watts per channel.
Dec 11, 2024
Product Briefs
Abbey Road StudiosamplifiersaudiophilesBowers & WilkinsDSP ProcessingLoudspeakersVolvo
Bowers & Wilkins, Abbey Road, Volvo Partner for EX90 SUV Audio
Coinciding with the global launch of the Volvo EX90 SUV, Abbey Road Studios and Bowers & Wilkins have revealed the newest phase of their partnership with Volvo Cars. Together, the two audio brands have collaborated on bringing Abbey Road Studios