Anthem AVAutonomicCrestronHolovisionLeon SpeakersLutronPakedgeParadigmSmart HomeSonyVisualint
Sarasota ‘Jewel Box House’ Stuns with Crestron Automation, Elaborate Lutron Lighting
Wicked Smart Homes uses gear from Crestron, Lutron, Paradigm, Leon Speakers, Autonomic and Sony to create a connected home worthy of the Gold 2017 Home of the Year award for smart home less than $150k.
Sep 04, 2017
Pantech Creates Online Portal for Managing Crestron Projects
Pantech Design, the maker of ADAPT software for simplifying Crestron programming, introduces a portal for dealers to manage their Crestron projects.
Aug 09, 2017
Auro 3DBowers & WilkinsCEDIAChristieClasseCrestronDolbyFortress SeatingIntegraLutronMiddle AtlanticSmart HomeSonanceSonyTrinnov Audio
Stunning European Smart Home Is 2017 CEDIA Finalist
This enormous villa goes high-tech with Crestron control, Lutron lighting, Sony Bravia TVs, Sonance and Bowers & Wilkins audio, Fortress Seating and more. It's a 2017 CEDIA Award finalist for EMEA.
Aug 01, 2017
2gigAMXArlington IndustriesControl4Core BrandsCrestronHellman & FriedmanLegrandLevitonMergers and AcquisitionsNapcoRTISavantURCVanco
Rating the Prospects: After Acquisition of SnapAV, What Major Home-Tech Co. Will H&F Buy Next?
Opinion: After acquiring SnapAV, private equity giant Hellman & Friedman likely will follow up with 'transformational transaction' that disrupts home-technology landscape: Control4? Savant? Core Brands? Interlogix? PlumChoice?
Jun 26, 2017
Ce Pro 100 Names Top Access Control Brands
The access control category has exploded. Control4 nearly triples its total, while Savant does triple its tally.
Jun 16, 2017
CE Pro 100 Names Top Whole-House Automation Brands
Control4, Crestron and Savant lead the whole-house automation category, as Lutron and emerge beyond lighting and security to follow.