Lenbrook Acquires High-Resolution Audio Platform MQA
The Ontario-based Lenbrook has added encoding specialist MQA and its myriad assets to its audio portfolio that includes NAD Electronics, PSB Speakers, Blusound and BluOS software.
Sep 19, 2023
4KAcurusAragonAWOL VisionBarcoBluesoundBluOSBridgeeCEDIA Expo 2023Definitive TechnologyDolby AtmosDolby VisionEpsonGrimani SystemsHDRHigh-Resolution AudioHome TheaterIndy Audio LabsKaleidescapeL-AcousticsMadVR LabsMeyer SoundMicroLEDMini-LEDMSE AudioNADOSD AudioPro Audio TechnologyprojectorsPSB SpeakersRow One SeatingSamsungScreen InnovationsSevertson ScreensSeymour-Screen ExcellenceSmart HomeSonosStormAudioTheory AudioWhole-House AudioWhole-House VideoWireless AV
Bob Archer’s CEDIA Expo 2023 Recap: Tradeshow Represents AV Maturation
Audio solutions from top brands and hot video display technologies have ushered a new era in which home entertainment rivals the performance of commercial cinemas and post-production facilities.
Sep 14, 2023
Lenbrook Brands Offer Breadth of Audiophile Attributes: CEDIA Expo 2023 Exhibitor Preview
Under the Lenbrook Americas (booth #3516) umbrella, PSB Speakers and DALI Loudspeakers, NAD Electronics & Bluesound will have their latest hi-res hi-fi wares plus updated BluOS 4.0 at CEDIA Expo 2023.
Aug 29, 2023
Apple AirPlayBluesoundHigh-Resolution AudioMQAMultiroom AudioProSourceTHXTIDALWhole-House AudioWireless Audio
Bluesound Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary with Limited-Run NODE X
As part of its 10-year anniversary, Lenbrook's Bluesound brand will release its limited edition NODE X streaming component.
May 12, 2023
Adding Hi-Res Music to Every Room
The POWERNODE EDGE provides hi-res audio coverage for tucked away spaces.
Apr 11, 2023
Product Briefs
AzioneAzione UnlimitedBluesoundDraperHunter DouglasLeon SpeakersLowell ManufacturingNAD
Azione Unlimited Adds Bluesound, NAD, Leon, Hunter Douglas & Lowell
Industry buying group Azione Unlimited – The Smart Home Association announces that its carefully curated roster of vendors has expanded to include Leon, NAD, Bluesound, Hunter Douglas, and Lowell. “Adding vendor members, especially to this ex