CE Pro Podcast #12: Clara Shades Shoots for Mid-Market Sweet Spot
Taking advantage of its integrator perspective, Canadian firm HomeSync started Clara Shades to seize more opportunities with builders, developers and first-time homebuyers.
CE Pro Podcast #11: Micah Sheveloff, PR Man Meets Piano Man
In addition to clients that include AudioControl, Bryston and Savant, the industry veteran is also a rocker-turned singer/songwriter, and recently released his latest record, ‘Rockville.’
CE Pro Podcast #9: Is It Time to Revisit the Aging-in-Place Market?
Coronavirus exposes health risks of assisted living facilities and nursing homes. Aging-in-place market is potential new market for integrators.
CE Pro Podcast #8: Tim Bigoness of D-Tools Plays in Double Time
D-Tools’ chief marketing officer talks about his passion for music and drums, plus opportunities for integrators as we slowly phase out of quarantine protocols.
CE Pro Podcast #7: A New Era of Video Training at ISF
Imaging Science Foundation’s Joel Silver discusses new video calibration coursework, improvement of streaming video image quality, infrastructure issues and more.
CE Pro Podcast #6: Industry’s Got Talent with Camila Ballario, Leon Speakers
CE Pro is showcasing some of the talents and hobbies of industry members with a new segment, Industry’s Got Talent.