Longtime independent rep Rich Radimer has announced that effective January 1. 2021, he will be retiring from ProAct sales after 40 years.
Radimer, who will maintain the ownership of Custom Partners (his distribution business in the Catalyst Group), announced his retirement in an open letter to the industry:

After 40 years in the AV rep business, effective January 1, 2021, I will be retiring from ProAct Sales. Ownership of the rep agency is being turned over to Bryan Bentley and Don Sehulster. Bryan takes over as the President and Don will assume the Vice President position. While I’m retiring from the rep side of my company, I will maintain my full responsibilities as President of our 17-year distribution company and Catalyst AV member company– Custom Partners LLC.Â
Forty years in the rep business is a long time, and there are a few people I need to thank who have made a significant impact on my career and life.Â
First, Kip Dellinger. In August 1991, Kip called me and asked if I wanted to start a new rep agency in Metro NY. At the time I was the factory rep for Nakamichi in NY. Together, we started ProAct Sales in September 1991. Kip’s vision, loyalty and friendship mean the world to me. He is my eternal brother.Â
Second, Franklin Karp – former President of Harvey Electronics and now C.O.O of Audio Video Systems. His loyalty to me and ProAct Sales have been a cornerstone of my business and life. He has been my consigliere and champion for over 30 years. I wouldn’t be where I am today without him.Â
Third – Ari Supran – CEO of Sonance. Ari is the smartest person in our business. Every time we get together, I listen intently. Many years ago, he inspired me to completely change the way my rep agency worked. Design is the key. The old way of representation no longer works, but every other firm keeps doing the same thing. Ari’s vision of what a rep agency does, and what Sonance expects of them, was brilliant and I jumped right in. ProAct Sales has been the design centric rep agency in NY for over a decade as a result of Ari’s inspiration.
Moving forward, Bryan Bentley has been with ProAct Sales for over 20 years. I hired him out of the Marine Corps and he’s grown with the company ever since. He is my right- hand man. Bryan is a can-do guy with a great mind and a huge work ethic. I am certain he will lead the company to even greater heights over the ensuing decades.Â
Don Sehulster, currently our Director of Commercial Sales, was the facility manager at Savant in NYC for 8 years before he joined ProAct Sales. Don’s intelligence, professionalism and passion for the business make him the perfect co-owner of ProAct Sales.Â
There are many other people, and they know who they are, who have been keys to my 40 years of success in the AV business. Please accept this announcement as a heartfelt thank you.Â