Certification is a token of quality. There are smaller and bigger certification offices, some are less known, some are better known, some have a bigger reputation, some have a lower reputation. Nevertheless, in order to get a certificate, every programme has in common that you have to make an extra effort, which reflects the quality you put in your work and represents your expertise in your field.
In the previous article, we talked about the pros and cons of certification, which addressed the efforts for certification and the final result as such. In this article, we would like to point out the direct benefits for integrators, once they have successfully obtained a certificate for system integrators. So what are these benefits?
There are various certifications, which support the activities of a system integrator, such as ‘Project Manager Professional (PMP)’, as well as CEDIA and KNX certification. Latter certification by KNX is the most common certificate amongst system integrators in the world, with more than 50.000 issued certificates worldwide. Reason for the high demand for KNX certification is foremost the token of quality, which comes along the certification, but also the many advantages, which are offered by the market and KNX Association. Let’s have a detailed look:
- Extension of Knowledge
Let’s start with the most obvious – In order to be KNX certified, you need to successfully participate in a certified KNX Basic Course, which includes theoretical and practical trainings and exams. Despite the fact that you will get your certificate in the end (after you successfully passed the exams), every training helps to extend your knowledge, which you can use in the field. According to the motto ‘killing two birds with one stone’, you will extend your knowledge and also be KNX certified.
- Usage of Logo

We all have seen the proudly presented logos and certificates in email signatures – And they have all the rights to be proudly presented due to the stated reasons. As the usage of logos is only reserved to a selected group of people, the according logos show right away that a company has above average expertise at disposal.
The same applies to KNX – Once successfully participated in a KNX Basic Course, the participant will receive a certificate, which officially allows him to use the “KNX Partner” logo, not only in email signatures, but also on every other printable area, such as letter heads, envelopes and do not forget stickers for your car.
- Higher visibility by being listed on the website
The internet has tremendously changed our access to information – Same accounts for service providers, such as integrators. Therefore, first point of information is the internet for any customer, who is interested in getting an automation installation.
KNX Partners are listed on the KNX website, which is visited by several thousand visitors a day, offering thereby also higher visibility and business opportunities
- Access to discounts and marketing material
Since certification is intended to extend, respectively to improve the own professional services, affiliated tools will be used for the daily tasks. Discounts, which can be obtained upon successful certification, are therefore of great benefit. In detail, after granted certification, you can acquire the necessary software and tools with a discount of up to 32%. Further than that, KNX Association grants further marketing communication material, which highlight your position in the market.
In a nutshell – Discounts on tools, which you need in any case, plus further access to promotional material equal higher success with less investment!
- Follow-up support by the KNX community
Participating in a certified course has also another benefit, which has not been mentioned yet: Networking! By entering the world of KNX, you do not only get in touch with an expert in KNX (aka the KNX Course Tutor), but also with other prospect business partners.
In case the course has been conducted by a manufacturer of a service provider, further cooperation beyond the training is very common, which grants you support in the newly adapted field.
But not only the KNX Training Centre is point of contact, when it comes to support. KNX Association itself as well as the KNX National Groups offer constant support for KNX Partners, in order to become more skilled in the field of KNX. Following the motto: Once you join the KNX community, you will never be alone.
KNX Certification opens many doors and eases the start in a professional life. Taking the many benefits into account, the pros obviously exceed the cons – So why not getting started with looking for the next KNX Training Centre, which is based near you?
Do not miss the next article, in which we explain the easy usage of KNX and its tool, the Engineering Tool Software (ETS®)
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