Almost every integrator has been faced with a wiring nightmare, a time when they walked into a job and immediately groaned, cleared their schedules, and got to work. This is because oftentimes homeowners think they can handle the setup and cable management of their home. Spoiler alert: they can’t!
Thankfully, there is a whole Facebook group and Reddit community dedicated to documenting the follies of these homeowners and cut-rate trunk slammers.
We had to get in on some of that action, so we’ve created a slideshow of some of the most appalling rack installations and nests of wires we could find from those folks who were too curious to look away while in the field.
It isn’t clear in some of these pictures if the tech was installed by an actual integrator or a homeowner who wanted to save some cash. But either way, all of these images illustrate a need for a qualified AV installer with plenty of patience and willingness to use cable ties.
Good wiring sets up a home for a better user experience. Residential integrators know poor A/V wiring and cabling isn’t limited to the residential world, either. Here’s a good example of some nearly nauseating restaurant A/V installs from our sister publication Commercial Integrator.
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Either way, it doesn’t detract from the fun and twinge of horror experienced while scrolling through these pictures!
Thanks to the contributors over on the AV Install Nightmares Facebook group and the subreddit for these pictures.
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