Global Caché Helps Dealer Prosper with Retrofit Projects
New construction is Todd Nelson’s core business, but he’s tackling retrofit with gusto thanks to Global Caché.
Jun 05, 2017
CE Pro Opens Entries for 2017 BEST Awards
Enter now for the 2017 BEST (Best Electronic Systems Technologies) Awards to have your product honored at CEDIA 2017. The final deadline is August 7.
Jun 02, 2017
Lutron Opens European Experience Centre in London
The 6,300-square-foot showroom and education space includes a mix of Lutron light and blind control solutions for commercial, hospitality and residential use.
Jun 01, 2017
Dolby Atmos Home Theater Gains Finishing Touch, a Starlit Ceiling
With one touch of an Elan remote, this Dolby Atmos home theater's lights dim, the starlight ceiling turns on, the JVC projector revs up and the 13-speaker, four-subwoofer sound system boots up.
May 31, 2017
New Nest Cam IQ Offers 4K, HDR, Facial Recognition, Audio Analytics
Nest Cam IQ 4k video camera with HDR support, adds facial recognition and audio analytics to determine who is in the area and what is happening based on background sounds.
May 31, 2017
Tesla Solar Roof: Calculating ROI for Your Clients
NYC integrator Cloud9 Smart Home does the math with clients regarding investing in a $21.85-per-square-foot Tesla Solar Roof.