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Centralized vs. distributed Smart Home Systems — What is the right choice?

Box or not a box – That’s the question…

Nov 14, 2017

Marriott, Samsung, Legrand Create First IoT ‘Smart Hotel Room’

Marriott's IoT Guestroom Lab uses IoT technology from Samsung and Legrand to bring voice- and app-controlled virtual assistant to hotel rooms. Deployment still 5 years away.

Nov 14, 2017

Smart Home Communities – Smart Bet or All Hype?

Smart home community trend is taking off. What can manufacturers, installers and dealers do to catch the tailwind?

Nov 13, 2017

JJ Orion Provides Elan Home Automation System for Wounded War Hero

With the help of the Gary Sinise FoundationEdina, Minn.-based JJ Orion traveled to Texas to install an Elan home automation system in a new home for an Afghanistan war veteran.

Nov 10, 2017

Napco Security Q1 Sales Rise 5%; Profits Soar 57%

Napco Security Technologies reports record Q1 revenues of $21.2M, up 5% vs. 2016. Net income rose 57% year over year.

Nov 10, 2017 Q3 Revenues Hit $90M, Up 33% reports year-over-year Q3 revenues of $90M, an increase of 32.6% over 2016's Q3 and a 4.6% jump vs. Q2 revenues this year. Video doorbell cited as key to success.

Nov 09, 2017