
Advantages of an Open Technology for Installers

The solution to non-standardised solutions with additional wiring effort and the need for complex commissioning software packages.

Mar 03, 2016

PTS Multimedia Launches ProjX360 Software Management Suite

This Software Management Suite features tools for time tracking, scheduling, service invoicing, file management, and it offers QuickBook integration.

Feb 24, 2016

D-Tools to Support Integrators, Dealers Through Professional Services Group

D-Tools Professional Services Group to provide customers with value-added implementation, training and 3rd party software integration services for System Integrator (SI) software platform.

Feb 05, 2016

How Managed Services Allow for a Successful Business and a Personal Life

The 'as-a-service' business model can reel in frantic business paces and result in better profitability for home technology integrators.

Feb 03, 2016

ISE 2016: New Cinema Design Software Helps Integrators Design Complete Home Theater

Debuting at ISE 2016, Cinema Design Software from Cinema Designer enables dealers to quickly produce full home theater designs complete with 3D CAD placement drawings and specification data.

Feb 01, 2016

D-Tools and AudioVisions Partner to Develop System Integrator Software

As part of the agreement AUDIOVISIONS will have access to D-Tools software and support, and D-Tools will have access to AUDIOVISIONS intellectual property.

Jan 19, 2016