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2016 CE Pro Quest for Quality Voting Now Open

Take this quick Quest for Quality survey to show recognition for your top suppliers and distributors that provide the best 'non-product' services like customer service, technical training, shipping, dealer programs and more.

Feb 04, 2016

How Managed Services Allow for a Successful Business and a Personal Life

The 'as-a-service' business model can reel in frantic business paces and result in better profitability for home technology integrators.

Feb 03, 2016

PowerHouse Alliance Members Offer Slate of Security, Audio Trainings

PowerHouse Alliance members Volutone, ECD, Audio America and Mountain West will conduct several security and audio training sessions in February and March.

Feb 02, 2016

ISE 2016: New Cinema Design Software Helps Integrators Design Complete Home Theater

Debuting at ISE 2016, Cinema Design Software from Cinema Designer enables dealers to quickly produce full home theater designs complete with 3D CAD placement drawings and specification data.

Feb 01, 2016

From Best Buy to VIA: How AudioVisions JV with D-Tools Went Down

In a tale worthy of Six Degrees of Separation, the principals at AudioVisions and D-Tools have intertwined experiences ranging from Best Buy to VIA International that eventually led to new joint venture software development agreement.

Jan 28, 2016

CEDIA Partners on Education, Marketing for CE Pro Summit

As part of a broader deal with exhibition planner AE Ventures, CEDIA will partner with CE Pro on the education and marketing for the CE Pro Summit upcoming Nov. 2-4 in Atlanta.

Jan 27, 2016