
Just Add Power Goes ‘Back to the Future with 4K

Just Add Power's Ultra HDIP and 2G+4+ video tiling processor reveal wide flexibility, ease of configuration for video distribution and video wall systems ... no Flux Capacitor required.

Dec 06, 2015

Streaming Service VUDU Offers Dolby Atmos Options

VUDU to offer a selection of Warner Brothers movies mixed in Dolby Atmos and remastered for Dolby Vision. Vizio to offer free digital copy of "Mad Max: Fury Road" in 4K Ultra HD with Dolby Vision to those who purchase Reference Series TV.

Nov 29, 2015

CE Pro Announces Winners of the 2015 Great Looking Racks Contest

All the way from the Mediterranean, Cyprus-based Elytronic was named the winner of the 2015 Great Looking Racks contest presented by CE Pro and Middle Atlantic.

Nov 24, 2015

Florida Integrator Converts Bank Vault into Home Theater Showroom

Boca Theater and Automation and CDGi convert old 8,600-square-foot Wells Fargo Bank into new Technology Experience Center showroom, complete with an acoustical masterpiece 'Vault Theater' with 36 speakers inside 18-inch concrete walls and facial reco

Nov 22, 2015

Dynaudio Xeo 2 Brings Audiophile to Wireless Speaker Category

The Xeo 2 active wireless loudspeaker from Dynaudio incorporates a digital Toslink input that is capable of accepting resolutions up to 24-bit/192kHz as well as analog RCA inputs and Bluetooth options.

Nov 18, 2015