The 20-Year Battle Behind Dolby Atmos vs. DTS:X
Searching for a winner in consumer electronics' latest format skirmish between Dolby and DTS isn't easy.
Mar 03, 2016
Channel Vision’s A500 Subwoofer Amp Powers Whole-House Audio
The A500 Subwoofer Amplifier from Channel Vision incorporates a control panel that enables installers to tailor the amp's usage for specific applications.
Feb 23, 2016
ISE 2016 Cinema: SI’s Stunning Transformer Screen, Atmos Up-Mixing, Leon Speakers, Best Tattoo Ever
Screen Innovations demonstrates new Transformer screen that widens or shrinks according to aspect ratio; partners with Leon Speakers, ADA, Wolf Cinema and others for amazing Atmos demo. See the coolest audio tattoo ever.
Feb 17, 2016
DeFuria Leads Group of Investors on Acquisition of Importer/Distributor VANA Ltd.
Long-time industry veteran Stephen DeFuria and a group of investors have purchased the importer/distributor VANA from founder Kevin Wolff.
Feb 08, 2016
SEC Charges Harman Executive with Insider Trading
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) alleges executive at Harman International Industries earned more than $130,000 in one day due to insider trading in 2013.
Feb 08, 2016
ISE 2016: New Cinema Design Software Helps Integrators Design Complete Home Theater
Debuting at ISE 2016, Cinema Design Software from Cinema Designer enables dealers to quickly produce full home theater designs complete with 3D CAD placement drawings and specification data.