Struggling to Recruit Qualified CE Technicians?
Workforce Study reveals how to find, train and retain the elusive technician!
Jul 16, 2017
Homeowners’ Top Smart-Home Security Concern: Did I Lock the Door?
Lead with this on your next security pitch. Smart-home security survey by Wakefield Research and Schlage find that 75% of Americans second-guess whether they locked their front door.
Jul 14, 2017
5 Best Practices of Successful Entrepreneurs
HTSA members get vital lessons on accountability, execution and leadership during Masterclass training session.
Jul 03, 2017
Smart Home Consumers Want Sole Do-It-All ‘Technology Manager’
'Technology Manager' term named by consumers as best title for single do-it-all person to handle both personal electronics and home technology.
Jun 08, 2017
CE Pro 100 Integrators Name Top Brands in Audio, Video, Home Automation, Networking, Security
Survey of CE Pro 100 top smart-home integrators reveals the most-specified brands in the connected home with Control4, SnapAV, Sonance, Sony, Lutron, Sonos, Middle Atlantic and others topping the list for 2017.
May 26, 2017
Network Security: Hacking Fears Could Scare Consumers Away from Smart-Home Devices
Research: Even while the adoption of smart-home technology grows, consumer fears of hacking could stunt growth of home automation.