
Struggling to Recruit Qualified CE Technicians?

Workforce Study reveals how to find, train and retain the elusive technician!

Jul 16, 2017

Homeowners’ Top Smart-Home Security Concern: Did I Lock the Door?

Lead with this on your next security pitch. Smart-home security survey by Wakefield Research and Schlage find that 75% of Americans second-guess whether they locked their front door.

Jul 14, 2017

5 Best Practices of Successful Entrepreneurs

HTSA members get vital lessons on accountability, execution and leadership during Masterclass training session.

Jul 03, 2017

Smart Home Consumers Want Sole Do-It-All ‘Technology Manager’

'Technology Manager' term named by consumers as best title for single do-it-all person to handle both personal electronics and home technology.

Jun 08, 2017

CE Pro 100 Integrators Name Top Brands in Audio, Video, Home Auto­mation, Networking, Security

Survey of CE Pro 100 top smart-home integrators reveals the most-specified brands in the connected home with Control4, SnapAV, Sonance, Sony, Lutron, Sonos, Middle Atlantic and others topping the list for 2017.

May 26, 2017

Network Security: Hacking Fears Could Scare Consumers Away from Smart-Home Devices

Research: Even while the adoption of smart-home technology grows, consumer fears of hacking could stunt growth of home automation.

May 01, 2017